How Many Acupuncture Sessions Does It Take To See Results?

Many people choose to undergo different forms of treatment to try to lessen the symptoms of conditions or illnesses. The therapy may be mental, medical or physical. When you hear ‘physical treatment,’ you may only think of massages or exercising, but there are other forms that may benefit you – such as acupuncture.  Many people… Continue reading How Many Acupuncture Sessions Does It Take To See Results?

Four Benefits of Regular Massage Therapy

While regular massage therapy sessions are good for relaxation and reducing stress, a massage offers more life-altering benefits than most people realise. In this article, we will look at four of these fantastic perks.  If you would like to experience the relaxation and relief a massage can offer you, please contact the Happipuncture team at… Continue reading Four Benefits of Regular Massage Therapy

Jaw/TMJ Problems solution

A patient couldn’t open his mouth wide after a dental procedure. He was referred to see a surgeon for the temporomandibular joint (TMJ/jaw). There was no significant swelling, or inflammation in the teeth and the TMJ. But he felt his jaw lock, preventing him from opening his mouth normally. It had a very limited range… Continue reading Jaw/TMJ Problems solution

What Is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture can improve a variety of conditions by triggering specific points in our body. In modern medicine, acupuncture is a minimally invasive method to stimulate nerve-rich areas of the skin surface and soft tissues in order to influence muscles, glands, organs, brain and various functions of the body. Each acupuncture needle produces a tiny injury… Continue reading What Is Acupuncture?

Covid Tongue?

The UK National Health Service (NHS) is being urged to add the “COVID tongue” to its official list of coronavirus symptoms.